Meeting Minutes, 25 June 2024

Attended by: Scott Thornton(Chair), David Cowan, Gary Atkinson, Rosalind Wardley-Smith, Niall McColl,  Peter Hayman, David Hughes, Gordon Millar ; Lorenzo Mele & Bernadette Fryars – Glasgow Merchant City Festival; Police Constable Sean McFadden; EM, RM, KL, TD, SM, CS, BF, CD, RF,  PS, TMcK, RN; 

By Zoom video – Alice Cowan.

 Apologies: Tam Coyle, Ward Councillors Philip Braat and Eva Bolander;   


Adopted proposed by David Cowan, seconded by Gordon Millar. Approved.


PC McFadden (SMcF) reported indicative crime statistics as follows for the period 28 May to 25 June in the MCTCC area: 131 offences reported of which 60 were detected. These included assaults on police officers, bail breaches, threatening and abusive behaviour, and retail theft. Main involvement relating to Licenced premises.

Taken a number of crime prevention surveys to help mitigate retail crimes 

Following a report from a member of the public, police had executed a Sheriff’s warrant in Bell Street, but no crime was detected.

Police were now operating “proportionate response to crime” pactice, based on the THRIVE model of assessment,  looking to free up police where there is “no viable lines of enquiry” , Only applies to “low harm & low risk” crimes, eg theft, vandalism & failure to stop (North division found this was c 3.4% of reported crime when they started earlier this year).

Police worked with Wheatley Group to improve the  timely repair process for damaged doors, that were associated with anti social behaviour. Expected to result in faster repairs for these buildings.

The Tron theatre area was discussed, where there had been a significant impact from the recent Football celebrations in Merchant City and regular drug dealing activities. The Police suggested the latter be reported to help focus the appropriate response. Regular Police patrols are planned.

There was no information on E-Bikes, but the Police were planning “days of action”.

It was noted that there would be a GCC presentation on the Needle Bin project at the July mtg. 

Busking – More planned engagement from the Police, no reported enforcement

Graffiti / Vandalism update – Scott attended a meeting with Police Scotland (Paul and Angela Stavely). Main points were encourage reporting of the incidents (E mail / online / Crimestoppers) and the Council have powers to require Private property Owners to clean up damage.

Scott highlighted that GCC have designated part of Custom House Quay area for “Street Art”


Lorenzo Mele, Artistic Director & Bernadette Fryers , Project Manager, Merchant City Festival at Glasgow Life gave a presentation and took questions.

Summary of the programming:

Main Sponsers – Merchant Square, Candleriggs Accomodation & The Social hub

Focus around Merchant Square for Music every day and using SURGE outdoor performances during the 3 days

Friday – Music programming (Celtic Connections organising) / Carnival feel /. Also a Civic reception taking place Friday afternoon.

Saturday – Pride & Family friendly programming

Sunday – 50’s theme / Rockabilly / / Ramshorn graveyard / New Candlerigg Square / Family friendly.

Boardwalk for a Science Museum event & Quiet space. The Old Fruitmarket Friday night for “Hip replacement” night club (7pm -midnight)

Big Angie (comedy / drag show) for 2 nights 

Bernadette highlighted the operational matters – Festival set up & Road closures – Resident and Businesses notified mid June – from Fri 6am to Sun Midnight.Operational hours during the day are 12 noon to 6.00pm

There will be a walkround by the project team of Businesses to discuss deliveries / access etc on 26 June.

There were questions around Parking and access and it was suggested that the letter should be added to the MCTCC website and any issues Residents should call the helpline number on the letter.


No Councillors’ were in attendance at the meeting.

Points raised in absentia:

Update on the Celtic Fans issues from 18 May & feedback from Council liaison with Celtic FC

Higher than expected Orange Marches – 100 over the summer around Glasgow , with 50 on 1 day.

Walkabout with Councillors – Actions list update . Next walkabout invite should include Councillor Braat and and focus on the Southern part of the district next time, specifically on the riverside.

Pavement parking in Candleriggs issue – get bollards similar to Miller street?

Litter on the River banks of the Clyde (North and South banks) – potential joint litter pick with Calton CC?

Can Councillors’ bring more disused properties back into Residential accommodation, as per the policy raised in the City Centre Strategy presentation.



Scott shared the success of planning being granted to Damasquino for their expanding successful restaurant in Saltmarket.

Homeless Project Scotland (HPS)

Letter has been sent to the Chief Executive of GCC , regarding the lack of enforcement of the planning breach related to HPS.

There have also been representations made to the Scottish Government regarding GCC not operating statutory planning legislation

New applications for PBSAs

The latest such application is for Granite House, 31-33 Stockwell street.

This is a Change of Use application from Office to Student Accommodation

Scott noted this led through Old Wynd to two other buildings which had received planning permission for PBSAs, in effect creating a mini student campus. In addition there has been an old Hotel planning permission that is also now being revised for Student accommodation.

There are currently 1365 rooms in planning in the MCTCC area and this will take the number to well in excess of 1,500 in a relatively small area, in addition to major Student developments situated close to the MCTCC area e.g. College lands.

 Since MCTCC policy is to oppose further applications for PBSA he will submit a formal objection. ACTION: Peter

George Square redevelopment – 

Can we obtain details of the phasing of closures, work and reopening over the project period. Action -Scott to review.

RN suggested it would be helpful if a member of the MCTCC attended the Project meetings, to feedback on phasing and delivery on a timely manner, similar to the issues in Sauchiehall street. ACTION : 

Merchant City Park

No Progress reported.

Public Consultation on high rise Buildings – Obtain details

GPO Building – Taxi rank relocation – Scott has asked GCC about whether this can be amended and Cllr Braat is discussing with GCC staff.


Carry forward to next meeting.

Scott raised with GCC some Holiday Letting applications in Ingram street in Feb 2024. This was acknowledged in June 24. 


Gordon reported a bank balance of £9,750 at 25 June 24

David Hughes said he had made an application to GCC for £520 for litter pickers. This is for a maximum of £400 Grant (may be the Cash received – to check) Gordon

Discretionary Grant funding has been applied for which will followed up by the Treasurer . Action Gordon to discuss with Gerald Tonner @ GCC.

The Annual Administration Fee has also to be confirmed – Action Gordon 

£400 has been received , but this needs to be confirmed what this covers. Action Gordon 


Impact Arts Press release sent out (with QR codes, link to the MCTCC website).


Meeting to be held in City Chambers tomorrow. David Hughes said an aim was to start public tours in  2025.



Communication strategy – Sub group agreed to propose that we should spend up to £3,000 on the Website and c £55 per month on maintenance. This will support our communication with the wider community and improve engagement. 

David Hughes proposed a full launch with flyers to local businesses, University and apartments to help drive traffic to the new website.

The spend is aimed at updating the web site (from 2019), provide more dynamic presentation, making it more usable to communicate whats on, news and history  in the MCTCC area.

There is also the possibility of further enhancement to the website to involve local businesses that support the site and engage with these businesses on future MCTCC communications.

Proposed by David Hughes and seconded by Christian S. No objections. Agreed to progress.


 Items for the meeting with Kaukab – Councils ignoring National Planning guidelines, Continual roadworks on the M8, The council being more proactive in communicating strategy. 

NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 30 July, 6.30 pm in City Chambers