Meeting Minutes, 30 July 2024

Meeting of Merchant City and Trongate Community Council held in City Chambers on 30 July 2024.

Attended by: Scott Thornton (Chair), Gary Atkinson, Rosalind Wardley-Smith, Niall McColl,  Peter Hayman, David Hughes, Gordon Millar;  Glasgow Merchant City Festival representatives; Police Constable Sean McFadden (SMcF); EM, RM, KL, TD, SM, CS, BF, CD, RF,  PS, TMcK, RN 

MSP Kaukab Stewart : Glasgow City Council – Lise Fisher and David MacDonald, Rowan Evenstar – Blythswood & Broomhill CC

By Zoom video – Alice Cowan, David Cowan, MS, SL, AC, EM

Apologies: Tam Coyle, Peter Hayman, Ward Councillors Philip Braat and Eva Bolander


Adoption proposed by Gordon Millar, seconded by Gary Atkinson. Approved.


PC McFadden (SMcF) reported indicative crime statistics as follows for the period 25 June to 25 July in the MCTCC area: 203 offences reported of which 107 were detected. These included assaults on police officers, street drinking, possession of controlled substances, threatening and abusive behaviour, and retail theft. Main involvement related to licensed premises.

Priority locations have been a focus of attention, working from local feedback.

A number of major events, including The Open Golf, TRNSMT, General Election, Pride and marching season have taken up more resources than usual.

Day of action on Illegal e- bikes – 4 July- 11 bikes confiscated that were not road- legal. Further enforcement action is expected as well as continuing engagement.

MSP KS asked about police action in the Trongate area. SMcF reported there were regular high visibility patrols, supplemented by additional resources when available. In response to a further query on whether anti-social activity was growing, SMcF anecdotally viewed more activity, particularly when the weather is better.

There were several concerns raised around drug dealing & needles in the Ramshorn graveyard and associated shoplifting from the local Sainsbury’s.

Concerns were raised on the perceived increase of tents appearing in different parts of the city centre. Police and GCC were aware and work with third sector services to support those individuals to limit the number of tents.

The area around the Portland Street suspension bridge was raised by RN given the, at times, intimidating atmosphere. RW-S raised the change in demographics in the MCTCC area and associated impacts and asked if any data was available?

Issues were discussed around accessing flats’ communal areas in Ingram street being used for drug dealing/taking and rough sleeping. Police will engage with factors involved to ensure all security measures are being implemented.

GA emphasised that reporting of incidents is helpful to police as it provides data.

Presentation from Glasgow City Council on Safe Needle Bins trial

Lise Fisher (Neighbourhood Liaison Manager Ward 10) presented feedback from the trial (May 2023 for 6 months):

Accessible Sharps disposal bin located in New Wynd Lane, Trongate (No. 1 location historically for needles) to address the concerns of local people given the number of items discarded.

Trial collected around 5,000 items in the period including needles and associated paraphernalia. This was during a period where there was an increase in drug usage in the area.

The bin is still in use and being monitored and utilised.

In future other areas such as car parks may also have “sharps” bins where regular use is reported. These areas are monitored to see if an additional bin would be effective.

Reporting of sharps items helps GCC assess resource priorities. Best way is via the MyGlasgow app which has a map locator for reporting and identifies clusters of discarded needles. The reporting options will be added to the MCTCC website ACTION: Niall

There was a query about whether personal data from the MyGlasgow App would be used (not believed to be the case).

DM noted that there were approximately 8,500 regular users in Glasgow and 400-500 in the city centre. There is a voluntary system of care and treatment to help control addiction, though it is felt Glasgow draws users from around the country.

The Hunter Street health facility is now close to completion, with staff recruited. This will provide more support for the more serious drugs. GCC/HSCP are awaiting a Letter of Comfort from the Lord Advocate. Recently there has been an application for a “drug checking” facility at Hunter street to increase intelligence on street drug chemistry.

MSP KS indicated that Christina McKelvie (Scottish Minister for Drugs and Alcohol) is actively involved in these issues.

GA highlighted the potential risks of some new student planning applications close to McDonalds in Argyle Street that may add to the existing volume of users. 

Lise Fisher updated the meeting on the Street Art on Custom Quay – a “Legal Wall” six month pilot which will allow officially sanctioned art in the area. The main issue is that there are now less resources allocated to graffiti cleaning by GCC. DH flagged that some of the artists involved in the Custom Quay project are also covering private buildings. 

MSP’s Report – Kaukab Stewart

Issues raised with our MSP include cladding remediation, which has been a major point. KS clarified that wooden decking is included within the Single Building Assessment (SBA) programme.

The Merchant City car park planning application decision was discussed.

Homeless Project Scotland (HPS) – GCC Planning have confirmed no application has been received, in addition to issues raised on safeguarding of occupants and fire safety (no breaches reported). A Planning Enforcement notice will now be issued by GCC (date awaited for issue). KS will follow up. ACTION: KS

Elaine Bennet of Spires Apartments said the building was sold to Quintessential for retail/offices. There had been lots of complaints from Spires’ guests about anti-social behaviour from soup kitchen users and Spires had lost business. She quoted HPS as saying it had agreed a 15 year lease to move the soup kitchen to the ground floor and the accomodation to the basement. This would double kitchen capacity.

Ros mentioned that the management of Social Hub had raised concerns about Brunswick Lane and thereabouts being used for drugs and other antisocial behaviour

Kaukab said the student accommodation issue attracted lobbying from all sites. There needed to be a sustainable solution that met the requirements of all parties.

MCTCC is progressing a request to put a student accommodation moratorium in place for the Merchant City and will discuss with our Ward Councillors at the next meeting.

GM asked about the Single Building Assessment. Had the associated building regulations from the Scottish Government been finalised for cladding remediation buildings?  ACTION: KS

The Pride rainbow pavement at the Merchant City Festival – feedback on several issues in terms of cost, safety for mobility users and if there was any local public consultation. ACTION: Lise Fisher 

Other Matters

Public Consultation on high rise buildings – encourage all to take part and make your views known. MCTCC to discuss if they should submit a formal response – ACTION Scott

George Square – request for local input into the redevelopment submitted. Awaiting a response. ACTION: Scott


Gordon reported a bank balance of £9,722.13 at 30 July.

Discretionary grant funding has been applied for which will followed up by the Treasurer. ACTION: Gordon to discuss with Gerald Tonner @ GCC.

The Annual Administration Fee has also to be confirmed: ACTION: Gordon 


 No Councillors were in attendance.

In Brief

Website Update – Being re-designed as a ‘Go To’ Hub for local information.

Ramshorn graveyard – “Puddle” being investigated – GCC has been informed.

College of Printing and Building (Met Tower – ‘People Make Glasgow’ building): RN subsequently reported this is up for sale.

Boundary changes impact on MCTCC area query – Now Glasgow East rather than Glasgow Central. 

Planning – Candleriggs development – EM asked if there was any progress as he had noted water pressure issues in his property. ACTION: Gary


Tuesday 27 August, 6.30 pm in City Chambers