Meeting Minutes, 30 April 2024

Attendance and Apologies

Community councillors

Tam Coyle (TC), Gary Atkinson(GA), David Cowan(DC), David Hughes(DH), Ros Atkinson(RA), Colin McKay(CM), Niall McColl(NM), Alice Cowan(AC), Peter Hayman(PH)



Elected Members

Cllr Angus Millar (AM)


PC Sean McFadden, Police Scotland (SF)


Scott Thornton, Gordon Miller, Cllr Phillip Braat, Cllr Eva Bolander, EM

1. Welcome

Tam Coyle(Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting, including several new faces.

Minutes of Meeting, 26th March 2024

The draft minutes, which had been previously circulated via email and on our website, were accepted as a true record of the meeting Proposed by David Cowan, seconded by David Hughes.

Police Report

PC McFadden advised that indicative statistics showed there had been 53 detections in the last month, where there is sufficient evidence to report someone, and 73 ongoing inquiries.

There are ongoing issues with some licensed premises, but they are also seeing an increase in retail crime, including abusive or threatening behaviour, which is a breach of the peace. Where issues are identified with retailers, PC McFadden advised that they work with them to support them through specialist crime reduction advice, along with proactive patrolling of the affected areas, which have been identified by members of the community, residents and businesses,

The police have a patrol matrix, which is updated regularly to proactively identify places and times where they should be as there is an increased risk of crimes being committed.

CM advised that he had witnessed several drug deals in the alley between Miller St and Wilson St, and also on Miller St itself, due to the lack of camera coverage. NM also reported seeing drug taking in the Glasshouse car park stairwell on Hutcheson St. SF advised that he wouldn’t ask CM or others to collect data on the volume or timing of drug dealing; rather they should be reported to Crimestoppers or to the Police on 101.

SF advised that car parks are a continuing source of concern for them, and also demands on their time, in terms of drug use, anti-social behaviour. There have been recent meetings at a national level with the car park operators. It is a national issue, but the city centre does seem to have a high level of problems with specific car parks.

CS asked about plain clothes operations. SF advised that there is a department that covers them, in very targeted situations, where it is known that it will be effective. There is however an increased risk to the officers when they’re inplain clothes so it is not used as much.

TD asked about a resident close to him who had been removed from his property three years ago due to anti-social behaviour, but he’s now been let back into the property by the housing association. SF will raise it at the next meeting with the housing association.

DH asked if the consultation on the Stewart St closure had closed. SF advised that the consultation had closed, but they are still happy to take feedback through the community policing team, as its proposed closure is still some way off.

  • GA raised the issue of the co-location of House of Gods Hotel and the Spires Aparthotel with Homeless Project Scotland on Glassford St.

Despite extensive emails to Glasgow City Council Planning Departments including the ‘Leader of the Council’ GA advised there has been no reply to his MCTCC”s emails about the planning application. Cllr Braat has advised he also asked for updates from Glasgow City Council Planning Dept, also not receiving a reply noting his regret and unsatisfactory lack of action from the Council Officers.

To our knowledge there remains no planning application lodged by the property owner, nor operator Homeless Project Scotland for change of use of the building, despite GCC advising should have been received by 31st March.

AM advised that there is still some ambiguity about the owners longer term plans for the building, but does know that the planning officers are working through the issues. GA stated that there are ongoing issues with people queuing outside the House of Gods hotel with people waiting for the soup kitchen – often extending between 20-40 person deep down Glassford St some nights. There have been confrontations with the HoG security as their patrons try to access/egress the premises.

GA received agreement from the Community Council for him to email Glasgow CEO a formal complaint from MC&T Community concerns regarding non action, lack of response and communication from Council Officers.

JR raised the issue of drug taking in the residential car park on Albion St. Despite the residents having spent thousands of pounds on security measures, they were still getting access. In addition, he’s observed people trying to steal bicycles parked in the racks on the corner of Argyle St and Glassford St. SF advised that they give as much attention to all areas as they can when they’re on patrol. Inspector Watters has recently introduced a violence reduction unit, which has been very successful, and have been deployed in the city centre.

GA raised the issue youths causing problems for passers by and rickshaw drivers around the city centre. The police are aware of the issues, and are increasing patrols around the Buchanan St and St Enoch areas.

Ward Councillors’ Reports – Angus Millar

Angus advised that Cllr Bolander is returning to full fitness and hopes to see her soon, as she is now back at work. He has made inquiries with the relevant department about the bollards on John St, as they could be used as weapons, and will respond at a future meeting. He also advised that the next date for a community councillor walkabout with the elected members is to be set – he had had a successful recent meeting with Gary the other day, and Gary thanked him for his time.

On the subject of the city centre strategy, Angus will arrange for officers to come to the May meeting to deliver a presentation on the strategy, focussing on the Merchant City and Trongate area.

Regarding busking, the city centre strategy team will bring a paper to the next available committee meeting on the outcome of the consultation, and what the next steps are. He hopes there will be a draft paper to discuss at our May meeting. Angus advised that Glasgow’s consultation was based on the approach taken by Edinburgh City Council, however Edinburgh eventually concluded that bylaws weren’t the way forward. Furthermore, the Scottish Government believe it can be addressed using existing legislation. CM will follow up, as he’s our liaison on the challenges posed by busking.


Proposal of application Notices

Reference: 24/00160/PAN Community Cnl: Merchant City & Trongate Address: 86 – 90 Maxwell Street/40 Fox Street Glasgow Proposal: Demolition of buildings and erection of hotel/short-stay apartments and associated ancillary development

Reference: 24/00765/PAN Community Cnl: Merchant City & Trongate Address: Site Bounded By High Street/George Street/Nicholas Street/ Shuttle Street GlasgowProposal: Erection of purpose-built student accommodation with ground floor Class 1A with associated landscaping, amenity, access and other ancillary works. Angus reminded us that SG10 of the city’s development plan has specific guidance on the over concentration of student accommodation, and this should always be mentioned in planning submissions.

Planning Applications 28 March to 30 April 2024

Internal alterations – 5 Bell Street Glasgow G1 1NU Ref. No: 24/00680/LBA | Received date: Fri 08 Mar 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration

Display of various illuminated and non-illuminated signage – Site Bounded By Trongate/ Wilson St/Brunswick St/Hutcheson Street/ Candleriggs Glasgow Ref. No: 24/00817/ADV | Received date: Fri 22 Mar 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration

Installation of telecommunications equipment upgrade and associated works – 30 Bell Street Glasgow Ref. No: 24/00993/LBA | Received date: Wed 10 Apr 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration

Display of signage. – 68 Miller Street City Centre Glasgow Ref. No: 24/00888/ADV | Received date: Tue 02 Apr 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration

Installation of advertising flagpoles (2no) and canopy (1no) and vinyl to front of premises. – 18 Montrose Street Glasgow G1 1RE Ref. No: 24/00214/ADV | Received date: Tue 30 Jan 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration

Installation of plant to roof – 208 Ingram Street Glasgow G1 1DG[ ]( Ref. No: 24/00975/FUL | Received date: Tue 09 Apr 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration

External alterations to listed building – installation of plant – 208 Ingram Street Glasgow G1 1DG Ref. No: 24/00976/LBA | Received date: Tue 09 Apr 2024 | Status: Pending – Consideration | Case Type: Planning Application

Questions on Planning matters

TD asked if there had been any application made relating to 103 Hutcheson St, as they are expecting to start work on the roof soon, as soon as the application is approved – there will be scaffolding on Garth St and part of Glassford St. He will follow up with the building’s factors.

RN asked about the gap site on Ingram St. Peter advised that this was the proposed site of the Merchant City Park. The planning authority had given permission for 109 flats to be built in February 2023, but the application was called in by the Scottish Government over a year ago. We are still awaiting the report from the official reporter, before deciding on the next steps. DH had written the original business plan for the MCP project, but that would need to be updated, if the application was finally rejected by the reporter. There was some discussion about the existing noise from the Old Fruitmarket, and the consenus was that there was no way the proposed flats could be sufficiently soundproofed. CS pointed out that he can hear the bass from Brunswick St, in the form of heavy vibrations.

TM asked about planning requirements for an air conditioning unit, as one of the retail units on Saltmarket has installed one without any permission. He’s asked Cllr Braat to investigate, but Tam agreed to follow up as well. It was confirmed that planning permission is required for an air-conditioning unit.

GA raised the ongoing issues with Airbnb, and the number of short term lets being used for that purpose. It is still the case that properties in shared closes will not get planning permission, and that to use a flat as a short term let it needs a licence, which needs planning permission. GA mentioned that he’s made several objections, but has heard nothing back. Angus will confirm what the correct process is. Ultimately, those impacted need to make a planning enforcement complaint in order for the planning team to take action.


Only item to report was the proposed conversion of what was Doner Haus/Airpostel on Bell St to a restaurant showing live sports. Mairi Miller from GCC has previously advised Tam that because there was a historic licence, the Licensing Board has no obligation to advise MCTCC of changes of venue.

Friends of Ramshorn

DH recently took part in the Necropolis tour, which is very well organised; they have health and safety briefings, the volunteers wear uniform, and so on. He is planning a meeting of Friends of Ramshorn on 29 May. DF has agreed to work on the Friends’ website.

Litter Pick

The litter pick took place on 13 April. There were 20 volunteers on the day, who between them collected 30 bags of refuse. The team were assisted by G3 Litter Free and by Glasgow City Council. DH hopes to do a litter pick quarterly, starting in late summer, but stated that this would require the purchase of our own Litter Picking equipment. GA stated that this could be done with DG Funding. It was agreed to submit  a DGF application. NM suggested that we approach GCC to get a litter collecting hub in the area. Angus advised there is no specific budget, but could apply to the Community Council discretionary fund, or to the Area Partnership.

Any other Business

JR suggested that the money for the mural on the Social Hub Wall should come from the developers, rather than being supported by GCC Council Tax payers. RWS advised him, and everyone else, to make their opinions known by completing the survey.

DF raised the issue that the initial emails sent about the mural consultation events did not contain times. GA explained that this was because when the first set of leaflets were produced, they did not have the details

JR raised an issue about the poor condition of the paving stones on Candleriggs, along with the fact that some been spray painted as part of a maintenance process, making the streetscape unsightly. He also raised the issue about cars parking in the cycle lane on King Street, despite the presence of raised segregation. He suggested that the segregation should be made higher; however, Angus advised that these are a standard height, to match the kerbs elsewhere.

RN asked about the plans for the remaining blocks on Wilson St. Outline planning permission was given originally, but the market has changed since then. Drum (the developer) is currently waiting to see how the first phase settles in before making plans for the remainder of the site; however, they would need to bring forward detailed plans and get planning permission before they could proceed. EM pointed out that the Drum website still has a video showing all the proposals. Tam reiterated that the rest of the project is on hold, and when/if that changes, MCTCC will publicise it and comment in the usual way.

CM asked about blocked drains on King St, as it makes the cycle lane unusable. Angus advised that the council tend to be reactive rather than proactive, but he will follow up.

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 28th May 2024 at 6.30pm