The MCTCC Community Grants scheme is designed to disburse any funds that we receive as donations for filming, etc.

In our first round of funding, we were able to help:

  • Trongate 103 install a defibrillator in the building
  • Friends of Ramshorn Graveyard with seed funding for the project
  • Impact Arts with a contribution towards their Cashback Summer programme

The next round of applications will open in the near future. To find out more about the scheme, or to register your organisation’s interest in the next round of funding applications, please email The same address can be used to ask about supporting our grant scheme by making a donation.

On this page

Download the application form


Who Is Eligible for Funding?

  • Constituted Community Groups 
  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Social Enterprises

Preference will be given to groups based in or focussed on the MCTCC area.

Who is NOT Eligible for funding:

  • Private Businesses
  • Political Groups
  • Religious Groups
  • Individuals

Project Criteria

  • Projects must benefit residents within the MCTCC area (as defined by Glasgow City Council) by:
    • improving the community environment
    • supporting our purposes as laid out in our constitution.
  • Grants will not be awarded retrospectively, so your project must not have been completed by the time you make your application.

Scoring Criteria

Highest marks will be given to projects meeting the above criteria and deemed to have the greatest beneficial impact on the local community, its economic and practical feasibility, and the timeline to fulfilment. The scoring criteria used are included as an appendix.

Total Project CostMax % we will support
Up to £500100%
£501 – £1,00080%
£1,001 – £2,50060%
£2,501 – £5,00050%
Over £5,000Maximum of £2,500

Applicants must give a breakdown of their expected costs in their completed application form.

The Grant Review Committee will recommend the level of grant to be awarded which may be more or less than the percentage above. This will require to be agreed by the full Community Council.

Costs We Can Help With

  • Professional Fees for projects
  • Site preparation
  • Environmental improvements and enhancements
  • Feasibility studies
  • Rental costs
  • Software
  • Participant and Volunteer Expenses
  • Purchase of Equipment directly related to the project
  • Altering, refurbishing or extending a building owned or leased by the Applicant/Group
  • Construction of a new building 
  • Arts and monuments
  • Exhibitions or fairs
  • Online/web resource development 
  • General heritage restoration 
  • Promotion of active travel
  • General improvements to the community environment.

 Costs we cannot help with

  • Financial Charges including Accounting Costs, Bank Charges on Account and Other Financial Charges (i.e Credit Card Charges), 
  • Service charges (leases and Hire purchase), 
  • Company winding-up costs
  • Bad Debts and fines
  • Staff costs 
  • Expenditure committed to or incurred before your grant has been awarded (offer letter signed and returned)
  • Recoverable VAT
  • Animals and livestock
  • Prize Money
  • Alcohol.

Application Process

Whilst there are funds available, there will be two rounds of applications each year, in March and September. 

A call for applications will be sent out at least 3 months before the submission deadline.

Download the application form

  1. Applications can be made at any point up to the submission deadline.
  2. Applications will be made using the specified application form, which should be submitted electronically wherever possible. Postal applications post-marked after the submission deadline will not be accepted.
  3. Late applications will not be accepted in any circumstances.

For more information, or to discuss your project, contact us at

Decision-making Process

  1. Initial application screening will take place after the submission deadline to ensure that applications are complete. Incomplete applications may be rejected.
  2. We may ask for more information about your proposal before we can consider it.
  3. The Grant Giving Committee will screen all applications and make a recommendation on each to the community council. 
  4. The recommendation will cover whether to award a grant or not, the reasons for the recommendation and the amount recommended if appropriate.
  5. Recommendations for grants will be reviewed at the earliest practical Community Council meeting and ratified at the public meeting following that.
  6. Applicants will be notified of the decision, and the reasons for that, within one week of the Community Council meeting at which their application was considered. Notification will be by email.

Grant Conditions

  1. Grants should be spent within six months of being awarded, unless there are unforeseen circumstances. Any potential delay to the grant being spent must be notified to the Community Council.
  2. Grants will be paid by bank transfer to a nominated bank account belonging to the organisation.
  3. Applicants will have to submit a short report to demonstrate how the grant was spent, along with receipts. 
  4. The Community Council may request reimbursement for any underspend of the grant, or if the grant was used for an ineligible purpose.
  5. All successful applicants will advertise that their project is part-supported by MCTCC Community Grants. 
  6. All grants awarded will be listed on the MCTCC website.

Last updated 23 July 2023

Appendix – Scoring Matrix

CriteriaEvidenceScore awarded (1 – 5)
Local need and community benefitSection 5(a) Applications must show that their project will meet a local need and provide a benefit to the community1 or 2: Some evidence that project will benefit MCTCC residents, but little evidence that there is a high demand for the proposed project.3 or 4: Evidence that project will benefit MCTCC residents, and evidence that project will meet proven need.5: Good evidence that project will benefit significant number of MCTCC residents. Good evidence that the project will meet a high and possibly a previously unmet need.
Support for MCTCC’s objectivesSection 5(c) Applications must show how they meet the criteria they have selected. This can be achieved even if only one criteria selected1 or 2: Project appears to meet some of criteria ticked, but no clear clarification.3 or 4: Project meets all criteria ticked, with limited explanation. 5: Project meets all criteria ticked in Section 3, with clear explanation. 
What will the physical outputs from the project beSection 5(d)1 or 2: Little evidence of what the outputs from the project will be, or poorly defined success metrics.3 or 4: Evidence of the expected outputs from the project and how the project’s success will be measured.5: Good evidence of the expected outputs from the project and how the project’s success will be measured. 
Locally basedSection 5(g)1 or 2: less than 25% of the group live in the MCTCC area3 or 4: up to 60% of the group live in the MCTCC area.5: Over 60% of the group live in the MCTCC area.
Financial viabilitySection 5(e) and (h) A good application should have approached other bodies for similar funding levels  1 or 2: Little or no financial information provided, no detail on budget, no evidence of attracting funding from other sources, especially for larger application amounts.3 or 4: Financial information provided showing a level of organisational maturity and that budgets have been set. Have applied for match funding.5: Good level of financial information supported by accounts.