Meeting Minutes, 25 July 2023

Glasgow City Chambers and Zoom


Community Councillors Scott Thornton; Niall McColl; Mark Dougan; Peter Hayman; Eileen Mills; David Cowan; Gary Atkinson; Ros Wardley-Smith

Residents: GM; TM;TD;DH;DF;CD;EM

Ex-officio: PC Sean McFadden

Apologies: Tam Coyle; Carla Arrighi, Colin Mckay; Cllr Angus Millar

Minutes of June meeting

The minutes were approved with no amendments.

Police Report

PC McFadden requested feedback from the Community Council on recent events:


TRNSMT – Didn’t seem as noisy as previous years, though there was the usual early morning drunkenness. Niall fed back that shop assistants in one of the local supermarkets had commented on the level of drunkenness, especially among young people. TM congratulated Police on their work for TRNSMT

Boyne Parade – Historically this is very heavily policed, and this was the case again this year. No significant issues were encountered during the parade.


PC McFadden provided some statistics covering the two beats in our area (South of Trongate and North of Trongate). Between 26th June and 25th July there were 85 crime reports and 43 detections (where a named suspect has been identified). One incident was the vandalism of several cars on Ingram St. For comparison, in the previous period there were 91 crime reports and 49 detections. This doesn’t include road traffic or fixed penalty notices. Mark asked if it would be easier for Sean if the statistics covered a calendar month; Sean advised that this was for the CC to decide as they are not from an official Police Scotland system. Eileen noted that categorisation of incidents had been an issue in the past.

A resident asked about the recent Hutcheson St incident, where someone was able to gain access to the outside of the Old Sheriff Court; Sean was unaware of how the person had been able to scale the walls, but confirmed that the suspect had been remanded in custody.

Antisocial behaviour

Re Busking, PC McFadden advised that it is very difficult to prove noise nuisance without independent witness. Driving noise is covered unders separate legislation. If a vehicle is driven in an antisocial manner, the car can be seized – the driver receives a 1st warning, which remains on their record for a year. If they repeat the offence, their car can be seized, but has to be called in.

Ramshorn Graveyard

There have been reports of rough sleeping and drug dealing, although residents who overlook the graveyard haven’t seen anything.

New Wynd

PC McFadden asked if there was any anecdotal evidence of changed behaviour since the drugs bin was moved; the general feedback was that there have been no specific problems so far.

PC McFadden also advised us of upcoming changes as part of Digitally Enabled Policing, which will consolidate disparate systems and technology. This is a national system that is being rolled out across the country, including the provision of body-worn cameras.

TD observed that there seem to be ongoing issues with drug taking and dealing in the area. The Police are aware.

DF asked at what point homelessness becomes illegal. PC McFadden advised that being homeless or sleeping rough is not illegal. However, there could be illegal behaviour going on, such as drug activity or begging, where the Police would intervene. Anyone observing homeless people rough sleeping are encouraged to contact the Simon Community or Glasgow Homelessness Group.

Eileen will follow up with Tam on the experiences of other cities who have trialled drugs bins, as this was something raised when Lise Fisher spoke to us some months ago.

Elected members reports

No elected members were present, although Cllr Miller had sent his apologies and Cllr Mearns is on maternity leave.

Those present raised issues about the general condition of the streets’ cleanliness, despite the completion of deep cleans not so long ago. Eileen mentioned that the road damage at Glasgow Cross was still not addressed, as the repair is still ongoing.


The list of planning applications for July is available at

King St/Osborne St

A DPO has been filed to remove the requirement to provide 1000 parking spaces. MCTCC has no objection to this obligation being removed. Peter met with the developer and gave an update on the proposal

Osborne St

A proposal of application notice for student accommodation has been received. Tam, Gary and Scott are meeting the developer at some point, date to be agreed,

Golden Z

There will be a workshop on the future of the Golden Z (Sauchiehall St/Buchanan St/Argyle St) on 14thAugust between 11.30 and 1.30. TO attend please register with Eventbrite. Note that the venue changed after initial publication, and will now be held in the Merchant’s House.

St Enoch Masterplan

Scott to ask Eva when we will get details on the latest plans.

Proposed bar on Glassford St.

Mark will raise an objection on grounds of overprovision

Merchant City Park

Glasgow Life asked for their representation to be withdrawn. The Reporter is proceeding on basis that KSG Acoustics were acting on behalf of Glasgow Life at the time of the submission. However, as they’ve withdrawn their representation, KSG can no longer present evidence on their behalf.

The Reporter will not take any submissions from anyone who did not raise agent of change in their original representations. Everyone was reminded that the deadline for submissions on this part is 4th August. A planning meeting is booked for Wednesday 26th July at 3pm, provisionally in iCafe. 

Treasurer’s report

The current balance is £10,666

Grant giving scheme

Applications close on 31st July, with three having been made as of the meeting date. The sub-committee will meet on 15th August to review all applications, and will make their recommendations to a future full meeting.

Friends of Ramshorn

An application has been made to the MCTCC community grant scheme.

It was noted that the recycling bins are not being emptied regularly. Niall will contact Maria at NRS to see what can be done.

Website and Other Publicity

Niall to organise a briefing to community councillors on data privacy.

Scott asked that we issue a press release each month in advance of our full meeting, to raise awareness.

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 29th August at 6.30pm in the City Chambers.