From 19:00 until 21:00
Microsoft Teams
Please register for this meeting using the link below
1. Welcome by Chair (Duncan MacLaren)
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of the last meeting, approval and action points
4. Matters arising not on the agenda
5. Presentation by Lorenzo Mele, Executive Producer of the Merchant City Festival (TBC)
6. Report from the Treasurer (Gerald)
7. Report on those issues forwarded to the police (Tam and all)
8. MSP and Councillors’ Reports
9. Planning Applications, news from Greyfriars Gardens and a Plan for Pedestrianising part of the Merchant City (Peter)
10. Licensing Applications (Tam)
11. Update on Merchant City Park (Eileen and Peter)
12. Report from the social media manager including the results of the online survey (Niall)
13. Addressing local issues –Drug issues (Tam); Ramshorn Graveyard (Duncan); Food Waste (Peter)
14. AOCB