These minutes will be presented to our meeting on 25th March for approval
- Community Cllrs: Tam Coyle (Chair), David Hughes, Niall McColl, David Cowan, Gordon Millar, Gary Atkinson and Ros Wardley-Atkinson.
- Assoc. Comm. Cllr Ross Naismith.
- Elected Cllrs: Cllr Angus Millar, also Alisdair McDougal from Kaukab Stewart MSP Office.
- Police: PC Martin and PC Ishfaq.
- Ex-Officio: Gary Fanning (The Splash).
- Residents: DF, RA, MG, KG, RE, GMcI and TMcK.
- By video link: Cllr Eva Bolander, Alice Cowan, EM, GW and AM
- Apologies: Scott Thornton, Colin McKay, Peter Hayman, Kaukab Stewart MSP, Depute Lord Provost Christy Mearns and Cllr Philip Braat.
Minutes of 28th January Meeting
The previous minutes are available on the MCTCC website.
Adoption of minutes: Proposed by David Cowan, Seconded by Gary Atkinson. Carried.
Police Report
PC Martin read out from a Police Report for the MCTCC area prepared by PC Baxter.
From the 1st to the 25th of February a total of 77 crimes were reported of which 39 had been detected. This included theft (especially from retail premises), possession of controlled substances, road traffic offences and disorder offences. A warrant search at a property was carried out and report submitted to the Procurator Fiscal (PF).
PC Ishfaq reported they have been attending to local issues such as ebike riders. Since the end of December 2024, they have seized 24 illegal e-bikes and reported 102 offences to the PF. They continue to be proactive in monitoring their impact on the streets. An unannounced day of action is planned in the near future.
A resident complained about ebikes not using cycle lanes when they are available and riding on the pavement instead, very near to pedestrians. It was discussed how ebikes are not allowed on payments.
The police have been monitoring Ramshorn Graveyard and the New and Old Wynd lanes.
Gary Atkinson has had reports of people gaining access to private doorways to take drugs, sleep or cause damage.
Elected Members’ Reports
Councillor Millar
Councillor Millar attended the MCTCC litter picking event on Saturday 22nd of February.
He also attended the recent walkabout survey with community councillors and Louise Stewart, the Community Neighbourhood Liaison Officer. She will follow up on the issues discussed such as drainage problems and poor or damaged signage on High Street.
Cllr Millar attended the Custom House Quay consultation where he saw several CC members. He has contacted the developers at Dixon St and Broomielaw area regarding the long term lack of progress on the site.
Ross Naismith commented on the excess street furniture on Glassford St; from to Wilson St to Ingram St, where there are 11 poles on the pavement. Cllr Millar will enquire as to the feasibility of removing any redundant poles or having the information otherwise displayed, on a wall for example.
MG noted how binmen are coming to empty the glass bins at the Santa Lucia restaurant, near to Albion St and Ingram St, at 5am which wakes everyone up. Tam enquired about the upcoming band marches, he understands that they will not be allowed to go to George Square, to lay a wreath for example. Tam commented the streetlights at the bottom of Millar St have not been working for five months, residents have reported this many times.
Cllr Millar confirmed that ebike cyclists, under the Highway Code, are not allowed on pavements unless there are signs to say otherwise. It is unacceptable to ride in a way that endangers anyone. The police do stop ebikes if they have been recklessly towards a member of the public. Tam noted that MCTCC recommended that ebikes riders wear an identifiable number tabards, or such like, to be made more traceable.
RA enquired about what the situation on the pedestrian precincts such as on Argyle St or Buchanan St? Cllr Millar believed they should dismount, depending on how crowded the street is. Ros Wardley Atkinson enquired if there could be any signage for ebike riders to slow down in pedestrian areas to act as a deterrent. Cllr Millar would take this onboard for consideration.
George Square Redevelopment
Cllr Millar recently attended an exhibition on the redevelopment of George Square.
A George Square Redevelopment Communication Plan has been setup. Information notice boards will soon be erected in the square to improve public awareness of the project phases.
The information on the boards have received positive feedback. However, Ross Naismith considers they are hard to read due to the being too dark. Cllr Millar has heard that the surface on which the text is printed makes it difficult to read
GCC have laid sand on the former grass areas until upcoming events and construction is complete. This will save money from having to re-turf them several times over
Gary Atkinson suggested that perhaps a QR code might be put on the George Square noticeboards so people can learn more or enquire further, Cllr Millar agreed. Kieran Buchanan, who is part of The Avenues project, will be giving a presentation at the March MCTCC meeting.
Councillor Eva Bolander
Councillor Eva Bolander reported the GCC annual budget has been approved. This includes added revenue for the Cleansing Services and the Deep clean Team. She has a meeting next week with The High Street Reference Group which MCTCC has contributed to with neighbouring CCs. She reminded everyone that the benches are being relocated from George Square during the redevelopment works. They may be taken back once the project is complete.
Planning Issues
Ross Naismith spoke to the King St car park developers recently who are looking to renew their planning application by the start of the next quarter.
He attended the Custom House Quay and Calton Place consultations and put forward our endorsement, subject to conditions. They will submit a PPP, which means ‘planning permission in principle’. Both projects will have a review for further input.
He reminded the meeting of the consultation on the new hotel development in Maxwell Street on will take place in Granite House on Thursday 27th February.
He will attend an ‘in person hearing’ on the proposal at Old Wynd at Osborne St, this a proposal for a 15 storey building. MCTCC put an objection for this development in early 2024. The architect of Heritage Society of Scotland also put an objection. He is minded to submit a second objection due the height and the saturation of student accommodation in Glasgow.
Ross Naismith suggested that if student accommodation is to be built, it should be designed to be flexible enough such that it can be reconfigured to accommodate regular apartments in the future. Objections about the concentration have not been as successful as those complaining about the lack of design merit.
David Hughes added that Sarah Shaw, head of planning, gave a presentation to the Area
Partnership (AP) last December on student housing. Sarah Shaw stated that there was now a realisation within the Planning Dept. that some areas of the City Centre were now at saturation point with regard to Student Housing. The AP felt that while that may be the case if the Planning Committee do not take a more holistic view when considering planning applications then this situation will not be resolved.
Tam and Gary met the Drum developers the week previous regarding the three plots adjacent to Candleriggs. Drum developments have a PPP to delay starting building from 2025 to 2028.
The Clutha Vaults have put a planning application for a LED light presentation board around the roof of the bar at the end of the Broomielaw. It is 20m long, 5m high and will include flashing LED lights. MCTCC is minded to object.
Ross has approached the local Councillors about improvement plans for High Street.
It is anticipated that the existing plans will be reviewed. Cllr Millar has expressed a view, along with Bailie Christy Mearns, of increased ‘greening’ from George St down to Trongate.
The decision by the Scottish Government Reporter has approved the Artisan Developers residential development application at Ingram St carpark. The Scottish Minister’s decision is subject to Planning Act (Scotland) Act, the decision is final, subject to statutory right to challenge. Merchant City Park (MCP) group fought for community ownership to install a park instead. RN said that there were circa 50 Conditions to be met with the Decision, including a new Condition requiring higher acoustic performance.
Local Place Plan (LPP)
David Hughes, as well as several other community councillors, have been attending the online training courses to develop a LPP.
North West Area Partnership
David Hughes attended the last Area Partnership meeting on the 13th of February. Police Inspector Jonny Watters gave a report on how they are implementing the new Busking Action Plan. Officers will patrol the city centre fortnightly accompanied by GCC Community Enforcement Officers discuss this with street performers.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) are currently holding a public consultation on its strategy for 2025-2028. It closes on Wednesday 2nd of April. It can be accessed here:
David Hughes has submitted 5 bids for the National Infrastructure Fund by the 21st of February. This included the planting of 74 trees in the Merchant City; a new children’s play area on Albion St / Ingram St; pedestrianisation of Candleriggs; refurbishment of the Tron Steeple and the replacement of 2 dead trees on Ingram St. There are 7 CCs eligible to apply with their list of 5 bids. The bids will be voted for approval at the next AP meeting on the 27th of March.
Ross Naismith will have an informal meeting with David Hughes and Cllr Millar to discuss how these initiatives could still be taken forward if not successful with AP funding. MCTCC have applied to the LEZ fund for tree planting.
Two seating benches have been installed on Ingram St, which came from George Square. There are more benches available, people should contact Cllr Eva Bolander if they have suggestions of suitable locations. It was suggested the area outside the Old Sherriff Court, however this may be subject to planning permission. Gary Atkinson added the Drum developers who will contact Cllr Bolander direct for bench seating.
Student housing will be discussed at the next AP meeting and may issue a statement regarding this which could feed into the next City Development Plan.
There is an application for a market on Osbourne St from 25th April to 25th May and will have 25 stalls. This is at the back of Argyle St Rail Station, near to the taxi rank. The last day to object is the 18th of April.
Local Issues
The police will carry out a day of action to ensure the recently published code of conduct is being adhered to.
Pavement, and Double, Parking
Tam reported there is a lot of double parking on Millar Street. He enquired who is responsible for monitoring parking after 8pm at night when the majority of infringements take place. Cllr Millar will feedback to Tam.
Public Toilet Consultation
No update this month.
Litter Pick
David Hughes was pleased the Saturday 22nd February event was a success. There were 22 volunteers including 8 community councilors, 9 new attendees and 4 people from The Garment Factory. They collected 32 bags of litter. A follow up email was received from a group across the river who will carry out a litter pick there, DH shall loan the equipment.
Gordon Millar observed a noticeable difference in the cleanliness of our area now. There is a large amount of litter on the River Clyde riverbank at Calton Place. There is an opportunity to link up with other groups for future clean-ups.
David Hughes asked Cllr Millar what provisions are in place for the litter closer to the river, over the metal fence. GCC hire a specialist contractor to do this. This issue was noted during the walkabout survey. Louise Stewart has undertaken to see if this can be arranged.
Friends of the Ramshorn Graveyard(FORG)
David Hughes reported the next quarterly meeting is the 12th of March. He attended a first aid course in St Andrews, he has arranged public liability insurance for FORG. A suitable uniform for tour guide duties will be purchased. They will start to advertise in March with a view to starting tours in June.
Website and Community Engagement
Niall McColl reported the final draft of the updated website will be finished this week.
The community survey will take place in April.
The two MCTCC noticeboards have been deteriorated due to vandalism over the last few years despite being cleaned. An email will be sent to community councillors to consider what is the best option going forward.
Treasurer’s Report
Gordon Millar (Treasurer) reported MCTCC have £,6,725.51 in the bank. Tam invited funding applications, for use within our area, to be submitted for consideration.
Niall McColl reported that House Productions will be filming in Wilson St and will make a donation to affected residents and MCTCC.
Emails from GCC with funding opportunities now only be received by Gordon Millar.
Scottish Premier League Celebration Plan
Regarding the end of the football season celebrations for the winners of Scottish Premier League, Tam, Scott Thornton and Alistair McDougall (from Kaukab Stewart MSP office) met with John Grady MP two weeks ago.
Tam suggested the use of Celtic Park, the Emirates Arena and/or Glasgow Green to distribute crowds and reduce pressure on the local area. A meeting is scheduled for March 28th at Hampden Park with multiple agencies to discuss the situation. Ross Naismith welcomed this initiative and believed it could make the celebrations at least more manageable.
Gary Atkinson attended the Glasgow Life Forum last week for the City Centre Strategy 2030. He noted after the presentation there was no reference the much-publicised Tourism Levy or Business Improvement Districts(BIDs). Cllr Millar believed once both had been confirmed they would be incorporated in the end document.
David Cowan noted a chess club now runs in the Namaste Indian restaurant in St Enochs Center on Wednesday evenings between 6-9pm.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 25th March, 6.30-8.30 pm in City Chambers