AGM Minutes, 26 November 2024

These minutes will be presented to our AGM in October 2025 for approval

Attended by: 

Community Councillors Tam Coyle (Chair), Gary Atkinson, Alice Cowan, David Cowan, Peter Hayman, David Hughes, Niall McColl, Colin McKay, Gordon Millar, Scott Thornton, Ros Wardley-Atkinson

Associate Community Councillor Ross Naismith

Ward Councillor Angus Millar


Apologies – Baillie Christy Mearns. Councillor Eva Bolander, Councillor Philip Braat, Alasdair McDougall (MSP Kaukab Stewart’s office)

  1. Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 31 October 2023

These had been published on the Community Council’s Website

Adoption proposed by Gary Atkinson, seconded by David Hughes. Carried. 

2. Chairperson’s Annual Report

Just a few words to reflect on the last 12 months.

Firstly, a few thank yous, to my fellow Community Councillors ,this Community Council simply could not operate without our hard working team with a special shout out to my vice chairs [Scott Thornton and Gary Atkinson] and the sterling work on our website by Niall McColl and David Hughes on the Ramshorn Graveyard project.


A thank you to Sean McFadden [who unfortunately will be leaving us at the end of the month] and colleagues for all their support and Inspector Jonny Watters for the quarterly meetings.

Our four councillors, [ Eva Bolander, Christy Mearns, Angus Millar and Philip Braat.] Our MSP  Kaukab Stewart and new MP John Grady [Glasgow East] for all support and assistance this year. I should also mention our former Westminster representative Alison Thewliss when we were represented by the now defunct seat of Glasgow Central.

David Hughes for attending the Area Partnership (ably assisted by Gary Atkinson) and to Gary for attending the Licensing Forum.


On 14/12/23  Homeless Project Scotland opened premises  on Glassford Street without obtaining any sort of planning permission, nearly one year later Glasgow City Council are giving them extension after extension rather than enforcing their own legislation. The matter is now in the hands of the Scottish Government and we await the announcement with interest.


Merchant City and Trongate is not immune to the tough economical climate and we have suffered the loss of some outstanding premises. However, equally,  there have been some fantastic openings over the last 12 months.


The MCTCC continue to liaise with all developers that have proposals in our patch and we will keep the local Community informed at all times


Our sub committee [chaired by David Hughes] are working away to improve the Graveyard….again we will keep you updated at our monthly meetings.


Tam, Gary and Scott have all taken turns of representing the MCTCC at the Ward 10 JAG Meeting [The JAG comprising of reps from the seven CC`s [MCTCC,Townhead, Blythswood and Broomielaw, Garnethill,Anderston, Yorkhill and Kelvingrove, Cowcaddens] to discuss areas of joint concerns


The MCTCC have organised a couple of successful litter picks on Saturday mornings and we will continue to do so in 2025. We have noted recently that a couple of litter bins have been kept permantley on the street and we will work with GCC to get them removed asap.

There are still a number of long standing issues [pigeons/seagulls, Trees for Streets etc) but while all Community Councillors continue to share the workload I am confident that we can continue to go from strength to strength in 2025

Finally, we urge all members of the Community to attend our monthly meetings [the last Tuesday of the month in the City Chambers) and log on to our excellent website to be kept informed of all issues.

3. Treasurer’s Submission of Independently Examined Statement of Accounts.

Gordon Millar reported a cash balance last financial year of £10,717. This year income totalled £1,530 with expenditure of £5,674 resulting in a deficit of £4,144. The balance at the end of MCTCC’s financial year (31 August) was £6,573.

Main expenditure was donations from the Community Council’s Grant Giving Scheme including a total of £2,308 to Friends of the Ramshorn Graveyard and Impact Arts plus an upgrade to the Website costing £1,590 with a similar sum due during the current financial year. Investment in the Website is regarded as an asset in accounting terms. 

It had been a year of investment which also included purchase of a new meeting speaker and equipment for litter picks.

Unlike in previous years there had been no donations from film companies in the period under review. The Community Council was likely to be spending more than it received and was looking for grant opportunities. 

Scott thanked Gordon for his first year as Treasurer which had helped greatly to get MCTCC’s finances into shape.

4. Demit of Office Bearers

The following stepped down:

Chair – Tam Coyle

Vice-Chairs – Gary Atkinson and Scott Thornton

Secretary – Scott Thornton

Treasurer – Gordon Millar 

Planning Lead – Peter Hayman

Licensing Lead – Gary Atkinson (Representative on Licensing Forum)

Area Partnership Lead – David Hughes

5. Nominations for the election of Office Bearers and representatives:

  • Chairperson

Tam Coyle 

Proposed by David Hughes

Seconded by Niall McColl

  • Vice-Chairpersons

1. Gary Atkinson 

Proposed by Scott Thornton

Seconded by Tam Coyle

2. Scott Thornton

Proposed by Niall McColl

Seconded by Tam Coyle


Scott Thornton

Proposed by David Hughes

Seconded by Peter Hayman 


Gordon Millar

Proposed by Scott Thornton

Seconded by Alice Cowan

Planning Lead 

Ross Naismith

Proposed by Scott Thornton

Seconded by David Cowan

Scott said Ross had done incredibly powerful work on planning issues since joining as an Associate Community Councillor, ably assisted by Peter who had done so for many years. The year had been a particularly busy one for planning applications in MCTCC’s area. 

Peter deserved an enormous debt of gratitude for his work for the community going back decades.

Peter told the meeting he was stepping down from Community Council membership but would remain as an Associate.

  • Licensing Lead

Gary Atkinson 

Proposed by Tam Coyle

Seconded by Niall McColl

Tam will continue to forward to Community Councillors Licensing applications submitted to Glasgow City Council.

  • Area Partnership Lead Contact

David Hughes

Proposed by Tam Coyle

Seconded by Gordon Millar 

Substitute Representative remains Gary Atkinson

Tam, Gary and Scott will continue to serve as representatives on The Joint Action Group (JAG) of Ward 10 Community Councils. 

ST said he had attended meetings of the Community Councils’ Development Session (CCDS) and found them useful.

6. Note continuation of the Scheme for the Establishment of Community Councils.

This was noted. 

Tam thanked officers of Glasgow City Council’s Community Councils’ section for providing an abridged version (reduced from 69 to 15 pages) which will be placed on the MCTCC Website.

7. Appointment of an Independent Examiner of accounts for the next year

Gordon said this would again be Iain McGuire CA (retired) 

The Treasurer added that he had gone through relevant Glasgow City Council (GCC) schedules for Community Councils and would submit  the accounts to GCC after ensuring they conformed to good practice in line with the City Council’s requirements.

8. Appointment of associate members.

The following were confirmed:

Peter Hayman

Ross Naismith

9. Review the Inventory and Additional Resources 

Gordon pointed out that some of then Community Council’s assets no longer have significant value because of depreciation but had to be recorded if they were still being used. 

11.  Next Annual General Meeting 

The Chair announced this will take place on Tuesday 28 October 2025, and closed the meeting. 

(ST) to report to GCC:

  • The date you held your AGM in October 2024
  • Approved minutes of your last Annual General Meeting (AGM) in October 2023
  • Approved Treasurer’s submission of Independently Examined Statement of Accounts from 1stSeptember 2023 to 31st August 2024
  • Confirmation of membership of the Community Council, including all Office Bearers