Meeting Minutes, 26 March 2024


Community Council Members-Gary Atkinson GA, David Cowan DC, Peter Hayman PH, David Hughes DH, Gordon Millar GM, Colin McKay CMc, Rosalind Wardley-Smith RWS

.Attended Online  Alice Cowan.

Residents TD, DF, TK, BL and CS.

Elected Representatives – Cllr Philip Braat and Cllr Angus Millar

Apologies: Tam Coyle, Scott Thornton, Niall McColl, Cllr Eva Bolander, PC Sean McFadden

1. Welcome by the Chair

Gary Atkinson welcomed everyone to the March meeting.

2. Minutes of the last meeting (Tuesday 27th February) 

The Minutes were proposed as a true representation of the meeting by David Hughes, seconded by David Cowan. Adopted.

3. Police Report

PC Yibram Yousak and PC Angela Stephen deputised for PC Sean McFadden who provided a monthly report including statistics and update on new Scotland ‘Hate Crime & Public Order Act’ in force from 1st April

Statistics – 24th Feb–23rd Mar 2024 – A total of 124 crimes were reported, 66 detected, 58 undetected.

Increase of assaults on police officers reported in Merchant City area, and shoplifting thefts continue to be very prevalent across city and Scotland.

Training exercise 13th March – over 100 emergency personnel (Police, Ambulance, Coastguard, RNLI and Fire & Rescue) involved in a pre-planned scenario at Albert Bridge, River Clyde, Glasgow Green, to test readiness in responding to a realistic incident involving casualties.

Police Scotland continue to work with communities, people, businesses, and other partner organisations to reduce crime and anti-social behavior. Drug misuse incidents within the close of 107 Ingram Street.

Action: Police Scotland looking to complete a Crime Prevention Survey to establish what exactly can be done to prevent such issues at this address. Increased incidents reported on Ingram Street which will be targeted by ‘plain cloths’ and uniformed police activity.

Main focus on engagement to address criminality is through public health approach – 3 main strands are poverty, mental health and drug abuse.

Formal consultation on the Police Scotland Estates Strategy, involving Stewart Street Police Station now closed, comments can still be shared through community police team.

New annual 2024-25 Policing Strategy plan has been presented by new Chief Constable Jo Farrell to Scottish Police Authority on 21st March, which further strengthens Community Policing Model – link below for interested parties.

Questions from the floor

Q: DF and B shared had witnessed regular drug activity within Brunswick Street Courtyard. Reported disturbing noise at 2am each night near to Blackfriars Court. Also witnessed during a Saturday too. Other residents reported the same issue. Users braking security through underground car park. Residents have been threatened by drug users doing deals and using. May be regular dealers and users in this area.

Increased activity referenced in Glassford Street, Saltmarket area, rear of Ramshorn and High Street with reported with drug paraphernalia left lying around making areas unsafe.

Action: (Police Scotland)PC Yousak will liaise with PC McFadden with a view to increase targeted monitoring of these areas and will seek proposed additional activity to combat such increased activity. 

Action: (Police Scotland) Police Scotland to review public CCTV camera located at corner of High Street for any relevant footage

Action: (GA) MCTCC to arrange separate follow meeting with PC McFadden on 9th April. 

(quarterly meeting with Insp Watters scheduled for early May)

Action: (ALL) Police are actively involved and further remind residents to continue reporting calling 101 

Cllr Braat – asked specifically about Glassford Street given recent Homeless facility in use.

Action: (Police Scotland) Requires focused action as received comments re increased drug needles left discarded and further reports of people being ‘unwell’ (physically vomiting next to adjacent business entrances)

Action: (Police Scotland) Police Scotland to report such actions and comment to GCC Planning Dept.

Cllr Braat asked for update on e-bike riders in City Centre. Witnessed cyclists driving/riding roads and pavements in wrong direction.

GA shared recent live example of Deliveroo driver in England assaulting a customer upon delivery resulting in customers Thumb being bitten off. No right of recompense as Deliveroo state rider is not an employee, nor does the rider herself have insurance, so left with reattached thumb, but unable to carry out his profession as a plumber.

BL shared similar incident occurred in Glasgow too.

Action: (MCTCC) to continue lobbying Local, Scottish and UK Government for a Registration Scheme with Registration number printed on each rider carry bag. Keep on ‘latent MCTCC Agenda’

Action: Cllr Miller shared concern on Glassford Street, as spoken with local businesses affected by issues on Glassford Street and the current homeless and drug activity.

GA shared recent written complaint and adverse actions from owner of Spires Apartments

Action: Complaint will be shared with Insp Watters having tabled said report at meeting.

GA & ST shared attended consultation on the proposed Collegelands development (other side of railway line/Aldi) and Police Scotland reported huge drug activity and prostitution in that area which may be encroaching on to High Street and beyond.

Homeless Project Scotland – GA advised received communication from GCC emphasizing owners have been requested to raise a retrospective planning application for change of use by end of March.

Action: (MCTCC) Cllr Miller confirmed communication and will be following update on Planning process in April and then we can assess what future actions to be taken.

RWS / Cristian – raised recent activity on corner and walkway up Glassford Street, and been approached by homeless people looking for donations.

Action: RWS to liaise with M&S to seek thoughts and their comment.

CCTV – PC Yousak advised City Centre CCTV was not manned 24hrs a day now, outside of 3pm–3am, cameras will be left recording but in fixed positions.

4. Ward Councillor Reports

Cllr Angus Millar

PC Angela Stephen raised issue of increased graffiti in the area and across the city. Cllr Miller shared discussion raised with Area Partnership Meeting previous week acknowledging the huge spike of activity since Covid reopening. Police have agreed to liaise with GCC and look to work with youth associations to focus diversion of areas, with new projects targeted areas for such creativity.

Candleriggs – installation of pavement bollards now completed. GA thanked both Councilors for their support in this action been completed along with gully cleaning and replacement of broken road setts.

Glasgow Film Office meeting – producing a ‘Code of Practice’ for filming within the city centre. GFO will be contacting Community Councils to consult for compilation of report.

Action: (MCTCC) to reach out to GFO and collaborate on said Code of Practice.

Cllr Philip Braat

Cllr Braat referenced recent communication from Police Scotland regarding Facial Recognition Cameras.

Action: MCTCC will follow up with Insp Watters 

Graffiti – was raised and was a large part of the Area Partnership Meeting. Lise Fisher in attendance and explained restrictions of dealing with non-council owned properties. DF shared graffiti in his area, including rubbish bins.

Action: (ALL) – please report each incident with Council via ‘App’/Online. 

DF asked if allowed to remove graffiti himself, and advised seek agreement from building owner. Cllr Braat shared example of a utility building owner not allowing GCC to clean.

GFO – Include who/how/what ‘enforcement’ would look like to ‘safeguard’ residents daily way of life.

Potential Road Closure of Brunswick Street – GA thanked Cllr Braat for his assistance in identifying who was responsible for repaving the road in conjunction of the Social Hub Hotel opening.

Quoted by Ben McLeod, GM at The Social Hub – a great positive example of community working together.

Questions from the floor

Q: GA raised concern from residents regarding GCC recent announcement of proposed new parking chargeable hours.

A: Cllr Millar shared he had raised such comments with his colleagues, advising proposals were not due to start till sometime during 2025, not as misreported April 24. Following a recent GCC meeting, it was agreed further discussion and consultation to review city-centre proposals following recent comments from business and residents. Action: (Cllr Millar/MCTCC) to keep discussion point on ‘latent MCTCC Agenda’.

Q: GA asked for update on City Centre post Covid Taskforce activity.

A: Cllr Millar shared City Centre Strategy had been adopted by GCC previous week, and available to view online. The taskforce will now have a revised structure sharing data with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, with Cllr Millar remaining Co-Chair, with the main Taskforce including 4 Sub Groups for City Centre focusing on engagement to tackle tangible issues.

City Operations (ie cleansing, road issues etc)

Night time economy

Transport (working with transport partners re night time issues, and people’s attitudes to city centre)


DH requested if possible for dedicate some time at a future Meeting for Cllr Miller to present the City Centre Strategy. Cllr Millar proposed he and I meet to review and structure such a presentation as in it’s current format would take a lot of time to present. Action: (GA) MCTCC to arrange mutually convenient date to meet Cllr Millar. 

Q: CMc asked for update on Busking Code of Conduct

A: Cllr Millar confirmed ‘paper’ remained in progress but nothing to report as yet. Action:(MCTCC) to keep on ‘latent MCTCC Agenda’. 

Q: Cristian raised Car Parking proposals to acknowledge ‘people’ working and attending theatre.

RWS outlined residents don’t always have parking nor parking permits. Also consideration to be given on Electric Charging Points within parking areas.

Q: Is there any Data that could be shared with MCTCC?

Action: (Cllr Millar) Cllr Millar shared GCC Planning guidance outlines new developments should market new flats/accommodation as non-car parking. Such items will be raised at further Parking discussions.

Action: Cllr Millar also agreed to share Data Deck from partner Glasgow Chamber of Commerce once revised. 

Q: Tommy – Stainless steel bollards on John Street in a dangerous repair – could be used as a weapon.

A: Action: Cllr Millar agreed to take action forward

Q: GA – could planting plan include protection on corner of Ingram/High Street (Sapporo Restaurant)

A: Action: Cllr Millar to review on City Centre Greenery Location Plans.

5. Planning

Peter Hayman circulated a list of planning applications that affected the MCTCC area. Outlined concern over proposed Student Accommodation at 50 Argyle Street (old bank building which currently Café Nero occupies)

6. Licensing

GA confirmed attendance at recent Greater Glasgow Licensing Forum, raising concern of the City Centre CCTV not being manned between 3am and 3pm, especially when Licensing Terminal Hours have been extended, more so those venues within the late night economy terminal hours of 3am and 4am. Major risk of serious injury/assault not been aided by active CCTV for police usage, which also may result major reputational damage should a serious adverse incident occurs.

Cllr Millar outlined these changes occurred last year, thought CCTV was covered from 4-4, but heard it’s actually 3-3. Cllr Millar outlined shift pattern can be amended should Police Scotland request by agreement from both GCC and Police Scotland.

Action: (MCTCC) to discuss with Inspector Watters at next quarterly meeting. 

7. Merchant City Park 

No updates recorded, still awaiting Reporter recommendation. 

8. White Wall for Street Art

GA, TC, RWS met representatives from SWG3 Street Art Team and The Social Hub to take a potential Street Art installation on the gable end wall on the new Social Hub building.

Ongoing discussions are underway to seek financial grant support from the Glasgow Mural Trail, Area Partnership budget. Agreement reached with Social Hub building owner, for a potential new mural installation. Consultation will commence in April, and fundraising is underway. SWG3 to speak with 3 potential artists for initial sketches ideas to share with the project partners.

Action: (MCTCC) Cllr Millar suggested we contact City Centre Regeneration Team for advice and support as they oversee the City Centre Mural Trail.

9. Litter Pick – Saturday 13th April

Meet at Ramshorn Graveyard.**

DH overseeing this project, MCTCC will participate in the City Annual Litter Pick, which will be on Saturday 13th April 2024. Separate details and actions will be communicated to all and wider audience to seek attendees to get involved.

10. Treasurer’s Report

GM, Treasurer reported receipt of £500 from latest film company, giving a current balance of £10,200 inclusive of £2700 community grants awaiting confirmation.

New MCTCC Bank Account with RBS has now been set up, and agreed signatures provided to the bank.

11. Grant Giving Scheme

Date agreed to meet Impact Arts on Wednesday 3rd April – (DH & GA)

12. Friends of Ramshorn Graveyard

DH met with Deputy Chair of the Glasgow Necropolis, who undertake 35 tours along with bespoke tours this year. DH would like to target a date next year for tours of Ramshorn Graveyard with much work to undertake prior to a start date. Action: DH will be preparing an Action Plan which will be presented to the Ramshorn Group. 

13. Area Partnership / Website Upgrade

DH gave a short overview on Area Partnership Meeting discussion points. Also highlighted a potential Area Partnership Discretionary grant fund application for website development.

Action: Agreement granted by MCTCC for DH to progress application. Proposed by DH, seconded by DC & RWS. 

14. AoCB

PH shared Cycle Route from south city way is still incomplete, so unable to update – will defer to MMM.

No other AoCB raised, therefore Chair thanked everyone for attending and meeting closed 2020hrs

Date of next meeting: 

Tuesday 30th April 2024 at 6:30pm