Community Council Elections 2023

Nominations are invited from residents who are 16 years or over to join Merchant City & Trongate Community Council

1.     Qualification

Anyone over 16 years of age who resides within the Community Council boundary area can stand for election.  All that is required is that the candidate, proposer and seconders’ names appear on the Electoral Register.

For those whose names do not appear on the Electoral Register, an alternative means of doing this is available by contacting the named officer below.

2.     Vacancies

There are 11 vacancies being advertised for Merchant City & Trongate Community Council.

3.     Closing Date

Completed nomination forms must be submitted to Glasgow City Council (see below) by Friday, 8th September 2023.

4.     Filling Vacancies

  • Uncontested Election Meeting:

Should 11 or less nominations be submitted to Glasgow City Council, the valid candidates will be elected unopposed on Tuesday, 31st October 2023 at 6:30pm in Committee Room, Glasgow City Chambers 64 Cochrane Street, Glasgow, G2 1DU.

  • Contested Election – Secret Ballot:

Should more than 11 valid nominations be submitted to Glasgow City Council by Friday, 8th September 2023, a secret ballot will take place on a date to be confirmed in Committee Room, Glasgow City Chambers 64 Cochrane Street, Glasgow, G2 1DU.

Qualifying residents* will be entitled to cast up to 11 votes during the ballot opening hours 5.30pm – 8.30pm.  A list of candidates will be publicly advertised before the secret ballot.  The results of the secret ballot will be confirmed at the next scheduled meeting of the community council.

To vote at a Community Council election, residents’ names and addresses must appear on the Electoral Register or be confirmed using the alternative measures (see clause 1. Qualification above).

Nomination forms can be requested from the Returning Officer (below) or by clicking here (Nomination form download).

Mary McPhail (Independent Returning Officer)

Community Empowerment Services

Glasgow City Council

City Chambers

82 George Square

Glasgow G2 1DU

Tel. 0141 287 0060