From 19:00 until 21:00
Microsoft Teams
All residents of the Merchant City & Trongate area are invited to join our meeting via Microsoft Teams. Agenda- Welcome by Chair (Duncan MacLaren)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting, approval and action points
- Presentation by Denise Hamilton, City Centre Manager, GCC
- Report from the Treasurer (Gerald)
- Report on those issues forwarded to the police (Tam)
- Hustings on 29th April (Daniel)
- Merchant City Park update (Peter and Eileen)
- Councillors’ Reports
- Planning Applications (Peter)
- Licensing Applications (Tam)
- Report on survey of residents and using MS Teams and other relevant communication matters (Niall)
- Addressing local issues –Drug issues (Tam); proposed Jocelyn Square development (Duncan); Ramshorn Graveyard (Duncan)